Monday, July 4, 2016

protection of ceremonies medicine turtle

Stanley Looking Horse the father of Arvol Looking Horse Stanley Looking Horse allowed and agree that other native nations like Cherokee could carry the way of the Lakota medicine turtle himself is Cherokee born into Cherokee lifeways In the early 70s, Chief Fools Crow and my father, Stanley Looking Horse, decided to allow other native nations to participate in these rites. Their reasons were based on the fact that most nations have lost their ways through assimilation or lack of teachers to teach their indigenous ways," Looking Horse said. Chief Fools Crow was very open to allowing people the rights to learn the Lakota ways. I cannot undo their decision out of respect for our chief and elder. It has also been in our history that our ancestors have respectfully shared our ceremonies with other indigenous nations." "There was an understanding of the sincere spiritual energy and the traditional values passed down through our bloodlines. All the values of compassion, love, honor, respect and truth are molded into the spiritual life they are creating. I hope that one day the future generations will again pick up this important protocol." protection of ceremonies protection of ceremonies medicine turtle and henry red cloud wrote a book for the protection of ceremonies it the first book of it kind the quiet revolution of the 7th generation Anyone may dance the sun dance if he will do as the Oglalas do," - Chief American Horse (Sept. 14, 1896) Chief American Horse gave the statement that all may dance the sun dance if they do it the way of the Oglala These two knowledgeable Oglala elders of the Afraid Of Bear tisopaye, along with others in their circle of families, requested that our Sun Dance respect all life, all colors of the human being, as long as respect for life and culture prevailed and as long as the intent of the heart of the prayer was good. We are only continuing the altar of prayer they have brought forward from time immemorial.

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